Non-credit Short Course Descriptions

Here are descriptions of the non-credit workshops that I taught for the College of International and Continuing Education at USM. I have placed the descriptions of Microsoft Office courses on a seperate page due to the number of classes scheduled.

Introduction to Personal Computer Hardware and Application Software
Introduction to Windows
Introduction to Quicken
Introduction to the Internet and the WWW
Create Your Own Web Pages using HTML

Microsoft Office Courses

Outdated workshops no longer offered

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Introduction to Personal Computer Hardware and Application Software

This is an introductory workshop for beginners and is designed for learners who are planning to purchase a personal computer or to enroll in more advanced computer courses. We examine the physical parts of a microcomputer and see how they work. Memory, disk drives, displays, expansion boards, printers, and modems are all discussed. Learning about these devices will help you realize what computers can do, given the right software. The three most common types of application software -- word processing, spreadsheets, and database management -- are examined. No prior knowledge of computers or experience with them is necessary.

Introduction to Windows

Microsoft Windows is an operating system that lets you use a graphical user interface to control the basic operation of your computer and the programs you run on it. In this workshop you learn to use the mouse to navigate through the environment. You also learn to manage files and folders, to customize windows to suit your preferences, and much more. No prior knowledge of computers is necessary.

Introduction to Quicken

Quicken is the most popular images/home and small business finance software. See for yourself why millions of people use Quicken. Quicken is powerful but very easy to use. It's even easier when you're aware of all the ways Quicken can help you. This workshop covers the basics of what Quicken does and explains how Quicken can help you organize and keep track of your finances without learning accounting jargon or techniques.

Introduction to the Internet and the WWW

You have heard a lot about the Internet and the World Wide Web. What are they really? What is the difference between them? This workshop shows what they are and how to use them.

Create Your Own Web Pages using HTML

You already know how to navigate the World Wide Web, now learn the basics of creating beautiful Web pages using markup codes called HTML. Participants also learn how to link Web sites, include graphic images and sound files, and create user-friendly forms.

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