ITS - 100 Introduction to Technology
The objective of the ITS100 course is to prepare the student for ongoing classes at HTI and a future career in the IT industry. Upon completion of this course the student will learn basic communication skills, personal development, business ethics, fundamental research skills and the use of electronic communications. The student will also complete business related assignments with the use of Microsoft Office 2000 products.
The objective of ITS301 is to introduce the student to connectivity issues. Diverse topics will be discussed that pertain to the various fields of PCs, LANs, and WAN environments that exist in the IT profession. Upon completion of this course the student will be able to:
The objective of ITS302 is to continue the introduction of the student to connectivity issues. Diverse topics will be discussed that pertain to the various fields of PCs, LANs, and WAN environments that exist in the IT profession.
ITS - 101 Computer Operating Systems & Hardware I
ITS - 102 Computer Operating Systems & Hardware II
ITS - 201 Microsoft Windows NT 4.0 Administration
ITS - 301 Network Connectivity I
ITS - 302 Network Connectivity II
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ITS - 100 Introduction to Technology
This course will provide the broad scope understandings of technology as presented in the fields of electronics, drafting, information technology and programming. This introductory course will provide an overview of current innovations, issues, office software, applications, special interest projects, the internet and employment careers.
ITS - 101 Computer Operating Systems & Hardware I
Students are introduced to the operating systems currently being tested on the A+ exam. These include DOS, Windows 3.11, and Windows 95. Students study directory and file structure, partitioning and formatting, optimization and beginning troubleshooting.
ITS - 102 Computer Operating Systems & Hardware II
This course introduces the student to the IBM personal Computer. The student studies the various parts of the system including memory, hard drives, buses, CD-ROMs and peripherals. The student gains a basic understanding of hardware components, replaces faulted parts on the computer and practices troubleshooting techniques.
ITS - 201 Microsoft Windows NT 4.0 Administration
The student is introduced to the Microsoft network operating system Windows NT 4.0 server. Techniques that administrators use to add mappings, printing, users and groups are explained in lecture and followed up in labs. The student will set up a workstation using the proper configuration to connect to the network.
ITS - 301 Network Connectivity I
Network+ is a standard established by CompTIA that verifies broad networking skills such as protocols, topologies, networking hardware, and network security. In this two-part class, the student will study networking, networking standards and the OSI Model, network protocols (TCP/IP, IPX/SPX, NetBIOS, NetBEUI, AppleTalk), media, and architecture.
ITS - 302 Network Connectivity II
The second part of the Network+ class will encompass networking hardware, WANs and remote connectivity, NT-based networking, NetWare-based networking, UNIX/Linux, networking with TCP/IP and the Internet, troubleshooting network problems, and network security.
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